First of all, I am a woman and he is a man. Even that would be enough to cause major troubles. For example, he likes to keep things simple. He likes to have rational arguments for everything. All the cute things, or cheesy stuff as he would probably say, are a definite no-go. Me, on the other hand, well, I am just a girl. I can deal with more complex issues, even though they seem to make no sense. I have irrational feelings and definitely, I think public kissing is awesome.
And there is much more. Food is a good example. He eats mostly meat, in addition to some pasta, cheese and bread. Everything with a vegetable label on it is forbidden in his life-long diet. Of course then, I am a vegetarian.
I can frankly admit that I haven't been blessed with any talent in music or sports. People who ask me to sing usually don't ask the second time. I have a guitar in my room, mainly for decoration. What comes to sports, my hands are totally useless. He says they exist only for decoration, too. A neat example is, he stopped playing table tennis with me because I was so terrible at it.
He, in turn, plays accordion, piano, guitar and probably all the other instruments there are, whether or not he knows them from before. Also sports are his life companion. Sometimes I think football is his real name. Yet there is something I where I can beat him. Ice skating. I would love to forget I've been doing that for 20 years and he maybe twice.
In addition to all of this, I'm Finnish and he is Slovenian.
Luckily, not all the likes are dependent on gender, hobbies or nationality. We absolutely love to nap. Anywhere, any time. Once we took a nap under a tree in a public park. Napping is the same for both of us. It's golden.
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